Racing our Family at Play

This blog is to show all of our family, friends and each other how much fun we have at racing. All of the crazy times, all of the hard times, all of the work and most of all, all of the play we get to do together as a family. I would like for as many comments and as much help as I can get and I would like to appologize if I dont get lots of pictures of everyone. As much as i try i cant be everywhere. So if you have pictures that I can put on here please send them to with the time and date that the picture was taken so I can keep things as close to a time line as I can . I truely will be greatful for all the help i can get from everyone .

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Robert Has been  busy all week getting the kids race cars built and ready to run. We are putting different motors in Chandlers and Kurtis's cars this year so they required a lot of rework and rewire for a battery and ignition coils. Had to built a battery box for Chandlers car out of an old heat duct. You know you watch to much OCC when you use a grinder to cut and form a battery box out of sheet Now we hope it all works.  Will be running 2 Sr. stocks if Al can get the second motor done and 1 lt. 160 for my kids than the nephew's are running Sr. Honda.

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